MovieChat Forums > So Bad They're Good > Re-Animator and From Beyond

Re-Animator and From Beyond

Two of the only reasonable efforts at Lovecraft adaptations, but for all the effort they're still huge steaming piles. But, gotta love Stuart Gordon for trying.

"No no no- don't tug on that... you never know what it might be attached to."


Two of my favorite horror films & Jeffrey Combs kicked ass! Stuart Gordon has made plenty of cool contributions to the horror genre & is one of my favorite horror directors.

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Not even remotely steaming piles. And as much as I love both though, I think neither are good adaptations, they added things absent in Lovecraft- gore and nudity.

The best adaption is- The Call of Cthulhu (2005)

I collect dead pigeons then I press them between the pages of a book.


Those movies are not bad at all.

Got to argue with you smerd - the best Lovecraft adaptation - Cool Air segment on Night Gallery.


Oh yeah, the H.P.Lovecraft Historical Society's "Call of Cthulhu" is by far the best adaptation. Those guys are amazing!
Their "Whisperer in Darkness" movie ess quite good as well. Gotta love the Mi-Go :D

But I love Gordon's HPL films. One of my favorites is actually "Dagon", thought that was a real good adaptation of "Shadow Over Innsmouth"


Did anybody like Cthulhu (2007)?

If we could see ourselves as others see us, we would vanish on the spot. - E.M. Cioran


Re-Animator got lots of critical and mainstream acclaim, From Beyond...not so much.

"Listen, do you smell something? -Ray Stantz"


I'm looking forward to checking out the director's cut dvd edition of From Beyond with the extras. I don't have a clear memory of the movie, saw it long ago and it was really trippy from what I remember in a good way, so I need to see it again to fairly judge. Re-Animator remains a classic of 80's horror.


Re-Animator is class. Granted, tasteless class, but still class.
