MovieChat Forums > Country > The Porter Wagoner Show.

The Porter Wagoner Show.

Anyone actually remember his TV show? If you have RFD-TV they air reruns of it which is kind of interesting, along with a few others which is kind of interesting since these type of shows aren't usually seen in reruns. Wonder if these RFD showings of it are the first time it's been aired since its original broadcast? Also notice how the network often edited out the closing credits?

I've read that's while Porters show was nationally syndicated, it was more popular in the South and maybe not as big elsewhere.

Notice how in the 60's shows the beginning of each episode they show him walking down the hall through the door into the studio.


I believe he had some li'l ol country gal who got dumped for a BIG breasted blonde
who could *really sing. Porter 'n her had some fine duets; then she dumped him.


OK but can you answer the questions I posted instead of the dumb comments?


Fine singer to me.


Seen him back yonder with Dolly Parton. Check out "Eleven Cent Cotton".


Of course the old country music tv shows were far more popular in the South than the rest of the nation, the music originates in that area.

Re edited closing credits, a possible reason (I'm not sure) is because back in the 1960's it wasn't uncommon to stick a commercial endorsement (ie: the image of a sponsor's product) on the screen in the final credits, this was common even in big network shows like The Beverly Hillbillies.

I don't think TPWS was ever rerun after it's run ended in the late 70s (or early 80s) in part because the limited interest in old country music, however this was also true of Pop Goes the Country, The Wilburn Bros, etc. none of these shows were rerun years after production until the last decade or so on cable channels.

There's a website were you can buy (apparently legally made) dvd copies of TPWS and other vintage country music shows including a compilation collection of select Dolly Parton appearances on the show,


Actually most shows like this aren't.

It's usually just sitcoms and dramas.


back in the 1960's it wasn't uncommon to stick a commercial endorsement (ie: the image of a sponsor's product) on the screen in the final credits

In some of the really early TPWS reruns, he and the band do live commercials for 'Black Draft,' which was an enema.

"Makes you feel clean, inside and out!"

- HOW kin I be so brainless, when I is so smart?
