MovieChat Forums > Paranormal > I had a Tarot card reading once.

I had a Tarot card reading once.

I was about 14 years old, tensions in my family were high. I knew something was wrong but had no idea as to what. There was an older lady down the street that did psychic and tarot card readings and she seemed harmless. I knocked on her door one Sunday afternoon and told her I only had three dollars but I was worried about my family and would she help? She gave me a long look and said ok. She took out this wooden box and some kind of cloth from within that held a deck of tarot cards. She asked me to use my left hand and cut the deck. I did as she asked and she started placing cards in some kind of pattern. Suddenly she looked worried and told me she couldn't help. I begged her to let me know what she had seen in the cards. With much hesitation she informed me that my father was going to die the next day. At first I was shocked but quickly became angry at her for taking my money and telling me this outlandish tale. But I still couldn't get it out of my mind. The next morning I begged my dad to stay home from work, call me in sick from school and spend the day with me. I couldn't tell him why obviously, and off to work he went. I sat down on the couch and turned on the tv trying to take my mind off what the women had said when I heard a loud crash on the front porch. I jumped up and frantically ran to open the door only to see our mailman had dropped dead right on our front porch. I never put much stock into the supernatural, but the old lady was so close in her card reading that it still creeps me out. Anyone else have a similar encounter with psychics or gypsies?


"Biting's excellent. It's like kissing, only there's a winner"


Did you ever consider the mailman was your real father? 💫


Well, it could have been a coincidence. I have had experiences that indicate the future can be known, but I've never known a case where a Tarot card reading is both off and on. Strange story.

Impossible is illogical.
Lack of evidence is not proof.
 +  = 


I heard that same story in a movie called "Big Fish".

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