CGI blood and Gore

Anyoen else hate this sort of stuff?


Yes! It looks so damn bad it' can't be true. Just look att some scenes in Sin City and Planet Terror.

All work and no fun makes Rest a dull boy.


Sin City and 300 were heavily stylized and made their violence cheesy and laughable and tried to stick to the comics in every respect, it looks good in the comic (Not really read them) but not in film.


Sometimes it can just look terrible, something about the liquid model not quite looking correct to the eye, especially if it's added on after the fact and not originally intended to be done that way. One that stands out for me is Hot Fuzz, the steeple crush, you just sort of see a few gobbets of red fly off, and that's it. Perhaps due to the low budget, it couldn't be helped, I don't know.

But when it's done well, it's done WELL. Like the stabbing at the lake in Zodiac, my god. Frightening and intense all in one. You just see blooms of red appear on the white background of her shirt, and then you realize.. woah. It's all one shot.

"I'm Jules Winnfield, I'm here to talk to you about the briefcase initiative"


land of the dead had pretty bad cgi blood... you could tell it wasnt real


How about "Ichi The Killer"? uses some preety bad CGI effects for some of the gore.

"Let Off some Steam Bennet"-Commando
