MovieChat Forums > Short Films > Short Claymation like film

Short Claymation like film

Cross-posting this to "I need to know", "Short Films" and "Animation" in the hopes that SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE will remember this short (maybe 7-10 minutes) film...

I saw it in the mid-70's...maybe 74 or 75...because I know I was still watching Sesame Street at the time, and I don't think I watched it regularly much past age 6....

It was a black and white "Claymation-like" film of a little man who was working on a potter's wheel making a vase....

all of a sudden this BIG HAND (no body...just a hand) appears, smooshes the vase on the wheel and turns it into a hand. The little man turns it back into a vase, and the big hand smooshes it again...this goes back and forth for a bit and then the big hand proceeds to chase the little man around his house...eventually "Killing" the little man by smooshing him.

I know I'm not crazy, because my little sister remembers the same thing.

I also do not think it was a Wil Vinton short, because looking back, it seemed much much older...

Any help on the title, creator, and where it might be found to view would be much appreciated.


in another board.
