MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trump will never show up for a debate

Trump will never show up for a debate

He knows it would go poorly for him.


Disagree, he'll show. It'll just be old men yammering before their Depends diapers call them to the bathroom.


Are you high? Biden can't even read his teleprompter. Trump would roast his ass.


Like he did in '20. Lol! From CNN, following the 2020 debate:
A post-debate CNN/SSRS poll found that 60% of debate-viewers thought that Biden had won and 28% thought Trump had, with a margin of error of six points


I guess we'll just have to take them...ya know.. at their word on that one.


haha. tell me more about Trump.


I don't think he showered with his daughter when she was 11 years old.

What else would you like to know?


Eh, I think he’d show up to the first one at least. If he bombs, he can always say it’s rigged and his supporters will believe him.


Literally nothing to base this on...


In 2020 Trump bailed on a debate with Biden because the terms — a remote set-up, taken as a precaution during the COVID-19 pandemic — weren’t to his liking.
