MovieChat Forums > Politics > As the months near, Biden is losing more...

As the months near, Biden is losing more and more credibility and voters

Saying when he got into office unemployment was 9% but was actually 1.4% then went to 9% two years later. His memory issue is becoming more apparent now and giving so much fuel for the other side.

Trump on the other hand has a lot of his trials on delays or looking less and less credible, especially the Stormy Daniels one where the slut contradicted herself from previous old interviews before.


Your numbers are like from Crazyland. Care to offer a source reference for them?


Biden is their patsy for the lying, deceiving and grifting since he's cognitive impaired.

All of Trump's cases were bogus to begin with.

Stormy is selling herself to the highest bidder to lie and change her story.


Will Trump take the stand and clear his chaste and holy name?
The answer is NO, if he does he will perjure himself in 30 seconds and go to jail


Have you not noticed how much and how often he's been daring them? lol

Regardless of the outcome, they loose and he wins. They are playing checkers while he plays 5D.


Have you noticed how much and how often he lies?
If he takes the stand, he’s toast


You're forgetting that the economy was in freefall under Trump because of his mismanagement with covid. Record bankruptcies, record unemployment, long foodlines across the country, shortages for consumer basics, etc..

That's the broken economy Biden inherited and needed to repair.

Biden used emergency powers to get the covid vaccine distributed nationwide in order for Americans to return to work and school. Poverty dropped under Biden with his economic plan providing money for struggling businesses, self-employed workers, laid-off workers, etc.. Employment, GDP, etc restored. No recession. Stongest economy. Soft landing recovery.


Your entire statement is Propaganda and Mis/Dis-Information.


Your entire statement is denial due to your self-imposed life in a bubble and Trump cult indoctrination.


Your're still regurgitating propaganda talking points.


You regurgitated your previous comment. Get new material!


Dont ever reply to that poster, its tempting, but they win when you respond.
No response drives them crazy and will make them disappear


Good thing Covid is over and we have learned many many lessons to hopefully never ever be repeated.



People are sick of hedging their existences on credit cards, while watching millions of illegals get handed double their take home pay...for free.

All due to this administration's policies.


