MovieChat Forums > Politics > Benjamin Netanyahu in the 80's:

Benjamin Netanyahu in the 80's:

"The Jew owns and controls the United States"

"The U.S. is not a unified block. We own the senate, the congress, and we have a record strong Jewish lobby on our side. We have a strong influence over the general support. America won't force us into anything."

*There is no need for people like me to explain how things are, when the Jews themselves admit it.

This is Netanyahu, war mongering since the 1980’s as well.

This is another clip of "liberal" Jewish zionist Bill Maher running cover for Israel's and Benjamin Netanyahu's aggressive methods of killing civilians.

Bibi: "The European goyim did nothing for the jews in WW"


Yes, it’s no secret that Israel runs this country!


It's no surprise that he's laughing at the ICC.
