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Whites secede from black city

This is interesting.

Sounds like the schools are post apocalyptic wastelands.

I'm curious of the... youtuber's assumption that the new city will be republican, or republican like. That is teh DEEP SOUTH. The Dem machine have ruled for a long time.

Still, it will be interesting to see how this goes. I wish them luck. We need to do SOMETHING to get some... actual governance from the...corrupt elite running our governments.



Somehow, the left will find a way to punish these people. The right to freedom of association was ironically - but deliberately - destroyed during the civil rights movement. It is now codified law that white people have no right to disassociate from black people.


No doubt.

I imagine that the lefty partisans in the state and federal government are already making plans to fuck them. The woke assholes in various investment funds are probably already calculating investing in St. George as a big minus to your social score.



The white leftists are the main reason this kind of shit happens in the first place. Many who make those decisions are rich and live far away in mostly white, walled-in neighborhoods, and force all the white, middle-class and poor peasants to reap the "rewards" of forced neighborhood integration.


I had a co-worker who's family were well off white libs who moved to the suburbs to avoid the shit schools of the city.

They were aware of the hypocrisy of their actions vs their beliefs. But they were not quite far gone enough to put their safety of their children at risk.

BUT, they were too far gone to LEARN from the problem.


Do you know how white people in South Africa deal with the shit going on there? The ones with money have been forced to build Enclaves; small, walled-in, self-sustaining communities where everyone living there (who can afford it) are white. It's so different from how things are outside the Enclaves; crime rates are low, people actually are friends with their neighbors, and kids can walk to school without getting beat up, raped, or kidnapped.

If someone tried that here in the States, they would be labeled a racist unless they weren't white.


No doubt they’ll continue to vote Dem, perpetuating the very catastrophe they ran away from 🤦🏻‍♂️


Without a doubt.


I was upheld in a court of law... that's even crazier!


It's called White Flight and has been going on in variations for a while.


Do you hope that the new city does well for it's citizens?


It's called White Flight, and it's been going on, probably since the 1970s. I've even been a personal witness to this cultural phenomenon while growing up in suburbia. The cycle goes like this:

- White neighborhood in a city slowly changes as nonwhites get enough money to move in, whether through hard work or welfare money. Quality of the neighborhood goes down when the nonwhites bring in the negative parts of their culture, including crime, gangs, teen pregnancy, child neglect, and home neglect. Crime rate goes up, and things slowly go to shit.

- Whites get sick of the BS, particularly after their homes and cars have been broken into, or their kids get beat up on the way to/from school, so they move away to a new suburb some miles away.

- Things are nice at least for a decade, it's quiet, homes and goods are affordable, and kids can go to school in peace.

- Meanwhile, in the city, things get so bad even the nonwhites don't want to stay, so they move out, or the city uses taxpayer money to move them out, right over to the new suburb. New housing projects and Section 8 house pops up all over the place in the suburb. The very same people who ruined the neighborhoods in the city bring in the very same crap to the suburb that ruined their lives in the city: gangs, drugs, crime, home neglect, kids being unsafe, etc.

- After just a few years, the quality of life in the suburb drops just as it did in the city, and pretty soon, the suburb starts to resemble the city the whites left behind a decade or two earlier, and the whites have to deal with the same shit they left behind all over again.

- The cycle starts all over again.


The racial aspect of this is real, and I don't want to deny that. Especially as I am sure that that is a big part of why the majority black city of Baton Rouge didn't give a fuck about their interests.

BUT, I think that there is more here than just that. This is a almost half of a city that didn't feel represented by their own government.

HOw much of our country, doesn't feel represented by their various levels of government?

I sure as hell don't feel represented by my city, state or federal government at this point.

"my" mayor, "my" governor, "my" president, I feel that all of them are actively hostile to me and mine.

How many other people feel the same way?


There's a reason shit like this happens at all. The problem with modern day govt. is, the only people drawn to politics are either delusional people with a Superman complex that want to "fix" the system (and they find out just how broken it is once they get inside), or people who lust for power. Often it's not a job that smart people want, because it's not rewarding in the least, and requires you to do a lot of things people better suited for the job simply don't want to have to deal with, such as making speeches, kissing asses, and getting people you don't like to help you pass laws that not everyone's gonna agree with.

I remember hearing about Hawaiians that want to secede from the Union because they don't think they should have to listen to a govt. whose headquarters are over 3,000 miles away. This became particularly noteworthy when Trump became president (yes, Hawaii is a blue state). It's interesting that the Secessionists are mostly just white, left-wing idiots (who didn't even live in Hawaii) that have their heads up in the clouds and apparently have an issue facing reality. I pointed out to them that if Hawaii left the union, not only would the islands starve in a week, but China would come in and take them over, and they would not enjoy China's rule over them compared to America's. They ignored me and kept pretending like leaving America would be paradise for them.


why do you think they want integration soooooooo fucking bad. it's literally so bad that you cant even have an entrance exam for schools because then all the black kids would end up in the same schools all over again.
