
Why are they having the debates this early??? The next election isn't until Nov.3 2020!! I'm getting sick and tired of listening/seeing all the news about the debates!!!


They're doing this because it's far easier than attending to their duties as elected representatives and passing a comprehensive infrastructure bill, duh!


Why are you being so offensive? "duh!"


Good question. What’s the point of insulting each other? What does it accomplish for an adult with a normal sense of self esteem?

Both sides are corrupt and there’s only one politician I’ve ever known of who has the interests of the people at heart and that’s Bernie Sanders.


Thank you!


You’re welcome!


Par for the course. Back in 04 and 08 the demokkkrats were running a few dozen losers out on stage a good 2 years before the election.

Obama showed up a month before the primaries. He was the only one who didn’t sound like the classic hate filled demokkkrat. He had a few inspiring speeches and the demokkkrat media/party tossed loser Hillary aside like one of Bubbas soiled interns.

As predicted Obama got the nom and became the status quo demokkktat offering nothing but obsessive hate and economic policy that helped extend the recession that should’ve lasted a year out to almost a decade.

In the end he was good for 1% gdp, record under employment at 95 million, race relations set back half a century, and a job growth plan consisting of “how you gonna do that? Wave a magic wand?”

Americans will never forget President Obama’s worthless magic wand economy.


Yeah, cos the republicans never do that (implied eyeroll).
