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NBC gives trump the win at Dem debates

According to The Drudge Report poll Rep. Tulsi Gabbard won the debate last night. Gabby got nearly 40% of The Drudge Report poll following the debate.

The Democratic candidates pushed Socialism, trashed the record economy under President Trump and campaigned for open borders.

President Trump weighed in on the debate from Air Force One.


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 27, 2019

Trump nailed it.
Even NBC had to report that the winner last night was President Trump.
It must have killed them to post that on their far left website!


Tulsi Gabbard seems the most sane out of all of them. I could vote for her.


I couldn't - she said NOTHING about sealing our border, not a damned thing.

Campaign platform is almost NON-existent too!

So we might go here next to check on her stances "on the issues":


"Relax onerous visa requirements for Indian & Chinese tourism

In Congress, I will fight to relax the onerous and overly burdensome visa requirements for visitors coming from countries such as China and India. The present policies are outdated and do not reflect the fact that China and India now have booming economies and a burgeoning middle class. These people have money in their pockets and are eager to see the world. Many of them want to visit Hawai`i, but because it's so hard for them to get tourist visas, they end up going elsewhere. The beaches of Bali, Thailand, and Vietnam are teeming with big-spending Chinese tourists. If we can get these visitors to come to Hawai`i instead, it will have an immediate and significant impact on Hawai`i's tourism industry.
Source: 2012 House campaign website,, "Issues" , Nov 6, 2012"

It's as if she thinks the whole border invasion doesn't even exist!!!

Btw - those vermin at Snopes bought "on the issues" so their value as a politician policy check is minimal at best.

