MovieChat Forums > Film Noir > Sales of Film Noir DVDs/Blu-rays

Sales of Film Noir DVDs/Blu-rays

For those of you who are avid film noir/neo-noir DVD/Blu-ray buyers, I thought it might not be a bad idea to have a thread here where online sales can be announced.

Arrow Films (UK-based) currently has a sale going on:
Noirs on sale include The Killers (1946), The Killers (1964), The Killing/Killer's Kiss, Bound and The Night Of The Hunter.
Most of their blu's are region B I believe. Arrow also has a reward points program, so you can get discounts on future purchases.

Network, another UK-based distributor, also has a sale going on at the moment:
Interesting releases for this board include The Last Seduction, Sharman (90s noir-ish TV series), and several Britnoirs like Assassin For Hire & Portrait Of Alison (aka Postmark For Danger).
Also expect region B for blu-ray's, tho most of their releases are DVD.


Great idea for a thread Xhc! I want to second your mention of Network,who are easily my favourite DVD company,thanks to them bringing out 100s of near-forgotten TV shows & films.After telling a family friend about their sale yesterday,he has just ordered the very good Linda Hayden Drama Baby Love and a TV show called For the Love of Ada.



Barnes & Noble's Criterion 50% off sale started again. Noirs include The Killers, The Friends Of Eddy Coyle, Odd Man Out, Ride The Pink Horse etc.
Unfortunately B&N also recently increased their (international) postage prices quite a bit, but depending on where you live it can be a nice way to grab some Criterions. Their blu-rays are generally region A locked.


Network has another 50% off sale,
It is limited to about 2 dozen titles, mostly boxsets of old TV series, some that might be of noir-interest are: Callan, The Professionals & The Sweeney.


Amazon (US) is having a Criterion September Sale,
A lot of titles are 40-50% off including The Killers ('46 & '64), Odd Man Out, Night And The City, Rififi, Ride The Pink Horse, The Friends Of Eddie Coyle etc...
Criterion releases are usually region/zone locked.


Hi Xhc,I'm thrilled to reveal that the link you put in your original post now goes to Arrows huge X-Mas sale,which ends on the 18th of Jan.


Ah great news! Thanks for the bump!


Network UK has a spring sale, 40% off on a lot of DVD's and Blu-rays, until the 15h of April. Titles include a bunch of Britnoirs and noir-ish thrillers like Portrait Of Alison, Assassin For Hire, Robbery, The Franchise Affair, Sharman TV series, and some early British Hitchcock's Like The Man Who Knew Too Much and Sabotage.


Arrow's sale is back on,
With the British pound taking a beating, now's the time to take advantage! 😉
The Killers (1946 & 1964), The Killing, Rififi, The Night Of The Hunter, Thieves' Highway... As well as plenty of Giallo's, De Palma's and other assorted goodies.

Their upcoming releases of The Blue Dahlia and The Glass Key are not included in the sale, but I cannot tell you how much I'm looking forward to them! Hopefully that means This Gun For Hire (and Saigon!) will follow soon... That would be amazing.
