MovieChat Forums > Silent > Which silent comedy star would YOU rathe...

Which silent comedy star would YOU rather date?

1. Buster Keaton: built like a miniature Greek god. Big, soulful eyes. A smile that was as gorgeous as it was rare.

2. Charlie Chaplin: Suave, sophisticated - nothing like his 'Little Tramp' character.

3. Harold Lloyd: 'Boy Next Door' good looks, a real charmer.

4. Oliver Hardy: A big man, but handsome and graceful. A Southern gentleman, impeccably polite. According to all reports, his dance card was literally 'always full.'

Who do you favor? I'm for Buster; I'm especially-attracted to small, slender men.

- HOW kin I be so brainless, when I is so smart?


From your list, Harold Lloyd, all the way.

Honestly, my biggest crush is the really good looking Al St. John, and there's something about little Snub Pollard and that HUGE mustache, too. LOL 

Animal crackers in my soup
Monkeys and rabbits loop the loop


Mabel Normand or Colleen Moore


I guess you're a guy, so interesting choices. Moore was so cute, I'd make a play for her. Mabel had problems, but on good days she sure would make me laugh.


Honestly, my biggest crush is the really good looking Al St. John

There's a really good RL photo of Al, Buster and Fatty Arbuckle on the beach as a three-man 'pyramid' with Fatty on the bottom, Al in the middle and Buster on top. One of the rare images of Keaton's great smile and Al's good looks. He usually had such goofy makeup on in the films that I kind of overlooked him.

- Crazy. All crazy but I'm.


He usually had such goofy makeup on in the films that I kind of overlooked him.

Even so, his handsome face really caught my attention, so I had to Google and see what he looked like without it, and let me tell you, I got truly impressed. He was really good looking in a "contemporary" way. Too bad he only got the due recognition as a character actor when talkies arrived. Anyway, I hope he had a happy life!

Animal crackers in my soup
Monkeys and rabbits loop the loop


I saw him in one of the 'Lash' Larue Westerns; he acted Larue right off the screen.

- Crazy. All crazy but I'm.


Mabel had problems, but on good days she sure would make me laugh.

There's an old quote from the industry about either Mabel or Dorothy 'Slam-Bang' Sebastian that I always thought was great:

"Two drinks, she was elegant. Courted, she was a queen. Three drinks, she'd pee on the floor."

- Crazy. All crazy but I'm.
