MovieChat Forums > Silent > Your top 20 favourite Silent films?

Your top 20 favourite Silent films?

Which twenty Silent films do you love the most? (You can include feature films, short films and documentaries).

I'm interested to see which films we'll all choose.

I love the following.

1- The Thief of Bagdad
2- Menilmontant
3- The Epic of Everest(Documentary from 1924)
4- Nosferatu
5- Pandora's Box
6- The Cheat
7- The Phantom Carriage
8- The Man Who Laughs
9- Broken Blossoms
11-The Fall of the House of Usher
12-Get Your Man
14-Way Down East
15-The Penalty
16-Shooting Stars
18-Little Toys
19-Man With a Movie Camera
20-True Heart Susie

Go to bed Frank or this is going to get ugly .


1.The Crowd
2. Hunchback Of Notre Dame
3. Sunrise
4. Metropolis
5. Nosferatu
6. Inferno
7. The Golem
8. The Penalty
9. Steamboat Bill Jr.
10. Man Who Laughs
11. The Unknown
12. The Penalty
13. Phantom Of The Opera
14. J'Accuse
15. Siren of The Tropics
16. Potemkin
17. Passion Of Joan Of Arc
18. Last Laugh
19. Cabiria
20. Haxan


Hi coldnaps,

Great list. Have never heard of Siren of the Tropics,will have to check it out. Never seen a film quite like Haxan, one that you never forget.

Go to bed Frank or this is going to get ugly .


Siren was an early Josephine Baker flick; showed her at her sexiest


In no particular order. I am including short, feature & serials in my list.

1. The Circus.
2. The Gold Rush.
3. Haxan.
4. Metropolis.
5. The Battleship Potemkin.
6. The Artist.
7. Shoulder Arms.
8. The Cabinet of Dr Caligari.
9. Sherlock Jr.
10. Meshes of the Afternoon.
11. The Idle Class.
12. Les Vampires (I have not all of them yet but I really like the ones I have seen).
13. One am.
14. An Andalusian Dog.
15. City Lights,
16. The Epic of Everest.
17. A trip to the Moon.
18. Orphans of the Storm.
19. A Dog's life.
20. The Kid.


I agree with most of your choices but where was "The Birth of the Nation" ? It wasn't mentioned so far.

For my choices I'll generalize and add:

Anything with Lon Chaney, Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd, Laurel and Hardy, Douglas Fairbanks, John Barrymore, Greta Garbo, Rudolph Valentino, John Gilbert and a special mention for John Ford ("The Iron Horse")


I have not seen Birth of a nation yet. I do have other silent films in my possession that I am yet to watch so my list may change in the near future.


Hi Jamie,

Glad to find another fan of Epic of Everest. One of the best documentaries I've ever seen. It's even more incredible when you learn how difficult filming was. I love the blue tinting, it gives the effect of cold and works well when used over clips of ice and snow on the mountain.

Did you ever get to see Nosferatu and The Phantom of the Opera?

Go to bed Frank or this is going to get ugly .


Hi there. Epic of Everest is a great Documentary, not what I was expecting but surprisingly good and the story has stuck with me ever since.

I have Phantom recorded but not watched yet as been busy, and now the Snookers on I won't get anything watched until next week.

I have not watched Nosferatu yet either, but after thinking it over I will take your advice & watch it online (when Snooker finishes, lol).
