MovieChat Forums > The Lord Of The Rings > What the actual hell?

What the actual hell?

You know guys, there's a place online where you can create an avatar for yourself. It can be human, dragon, rabbit, transformer, witch, wolf, ghost - anything you like.

If enough of us joined (I've been in for 10 years this July) we could rent a patch of land and use it as a hang out place. When no one else is around there are tons of other things to do: interest groups to join (authors/books, politics, IS/tech etc), music clubs to dance and socialise in, an entire world to explore, hunts, quests and other games and always, always always with the shopping 

Any style of home is available if you want to buy one, and some are free or cheap as chips. I've never lived in a house though. I've lived in a cave, a tree-house, a gothic castle, a stable and some others, but usually just landscape my land every 3 months or so.

Free voice chat is available and any typed conversations can be logged on your PC but not used without the participants' permission. I'm willing to help and spend time with anyone who wants to give it a try.

$1US buys around 300 Linden dollars in world and it can go a long way, though money isn't necessary to join and have fun.

A few pics:

With an Aussie friend as Playboy Bunnies on Vegas Night at a club
Dancing fizz cans - I'm second from the left
Palomino stallion
Just hanging around in the stables
Dead Snow white and the Nasty Dwarves at Halloween
I set my new puppy to grow then got wind of a clothing sale so I took off for 20 mins. When I got back..... he grow'd, just like Topsy
Headless at Halloween
Tie-Dyes and afros
Decorated for Xmas
My monument for the Australians and Americans killed in the Middle East

Quick, play dead.
