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Force Healing

I've been hearing a lot of complaints about Force Healing in this new Star Wars dumpster fire, AKA, TROS, and it appears JJ's not understanding how the Force works strikes again.

I will first say that it is possible to heal the injured or the sick with the Force, but only certain Jedi could do it. It's a difficult discipline, and often there were Jedi in the galaxy's past who specialized in such forms of healing, but they were long-gone before the days of the New Republic and the First Order. To expect any Jedi to be able to heal any injury/sickness doesn't make much sense. The only Jedi discipline that was widely seen in the days of Luke Skywalker, and later Rey, were actually Jedi Warriors. Jedi Warriors specialized in the more heavy-duty, lightsaber-dueling, physical fighting, rather than the spiritual side of the Force. If they knew any Force healing, it was minor.

It is Force-users like Yoda who actually were much better at the healing or using telekinesis, compared to the warriors. Granted, in Episode II, Yoda got his chance to make the audience laugh by literally fighting circles around Count Dooku, but frankly, he did his best work as one who studies the philosophy, healing, telekinetic, and the spiritual side of the Force.

In the online game "Star Wars the Old Republic," (which takes place 3,700 years before Episode I), there is a specific class of Jedi you can play called Jedi Consular, who specializes in healing and telekinesis. They actually are very light on the lightsaber dueling, and usually require a companion that can do a lot of physical fighting to keep enemies at a distance. The character you play is very strong in the Force, but still required Jedi training from the age of 4, contrary to the BS you see with Rey.

To say that any Jedi (or Sith) could just heal someone from the brink of death, is ridiculous.


No power is beyond Rey!


She's a Mary Sue, she can do anything! Gotta love how realistic she is (sarcastic).


After "Force fly in space" is anything off limits?


Only if you live in the same world as Ruin Johnson and Kathleen Kennedy. While the Force can be used in many ways, flying through space and not suffocating or decompressing isn't one of them. Leia should have died right when that explosion took out the bridge of her ship and sucked her out into space. Even if there was such thing as a "force space suit," she wouldn't have had enough time to activate it, much less after floating for 10 minutes in raw vacuum. It takes less than a minute to decompress and suffocate/freeze to death without a spacesuit. In fact, I'm amazed she didn't have burns and shrapnel stuck in her from that explosion.


Agree. Next up is "Force Resurrection", "Force revive from death" and "Force food" if you get stuck on a desert planet or on a ice one.
"Force teleportation" should come in handy too.


Actually, you would be surprised as to what the Force can do, versus what JJ Abrams thinks it can do. The revive from death thing can't be done. Palpatine used that as a lie to get Anakin to lean more into his way of thinking. There have been stories of Sith being raised from the dead using forbidden Force rituals, but most of the time, it doesn't work. I can tell you some of the weirder things [which are canon] that I have seen the Force do.

- No, the Force can't feed people. It can sort of keep you alive longer than normal, if you're starving, but even that doesn't last forever.
- The force cannot technically make people fly. Best it can do is enhance jumping and doing gymnastics using certain fighting styles.
- It can be used to make temporary shields or cause projectiles to bounce away from the user.
- Jedi and Sith can both make their lightsabers fly like boomerangs to slice up enemies, and then spiral back to land perfectly in their hands.
- Sith in particular can do what is called a "Force Roar," which causes a soundwave to blast into enemies and knock them backwards.
- It can affect entire planets, including the wildlife, plants, rocks, and weather. I even saw one planet whose ecosystem was single-handedly destroyed by a psychotic, evil force-user, only for it to recover in less than a year, complete with plants and animals growing on the ruins and devastation. One planet had what was called "The Dread Masters," 7 super-powered Sith Lords, who had set up base on it, and their dark power was so bad, it made the planet look like the depths of Hell. Even the very ground was twisted with dark Force power, never mind the plants and animals!
- The Jedi can use the Force to access ancient memories or to heal (as discussed in the first entry).
- We all know it can give people glimpses of the past and future, or even important events in the present.
- It can be used to power up "holocrons," cubical (or trapezoidal, or pyramidal-shaped) computers that store information, or even someone's entire personality into a hologram.
- Some actual machines can be powered up using the Force.
- Some species of sentient aliens have a natural affinity for the Force, or even use it in their everyday lives.
- The most powerful users are super-rare, and able to pull entire moons out of their orbits, or make stars blow up
- On extremely rare occasions, some Force-Users had the wisdom and foresight to tap into both the Dark and Light side, and master them to a degree that the Jedi and Sith couldn't. That's what made the Empire of Zakuul so devastating in "Star Wars the Old Republic."
- The Sith can actually decimate entire planets if the ritual they use is powerful enough. I saw a whole planet wiped clean of life in just a few minutes.
- Force Ghosts can be used as allies, but it's dangerous, particularly if you are a Sith using forbidden rituals, such as blood-laced agreements, allowing yourself to be possessed, and using the power of dark force ghosts to enhance your own abilities.
- Ancient burial temples (particularly those on Yavin 4) are very dangerous to visit, due to all the Force energy saturating the place, both good and bad. Plus, the ghosts don't like people visiting.
- The dark side of the force can cause visible corruption on those who use it too much, which is why many Sith wear masks, or used their messed-up faces to scare people.
- If you play a Sith Empire (it's different from the Palpatine empire, just so you know) character on SWTOR, you learn a lot of scary things about the various Sith Lords out there. Because they don't have all the restrictions Jedi do, they tend to do stuff with the Force no sane person would try, and that includes alchemy, creating monsters, letting force ghosts possess them, stealing other people's bodies to preserve one's life, extending their lifespans, locking people inside ancient prison pocket dimensions, doing rituals that require a lot of blood and humanoid sacrifices, unleashing horrible monsters, using dark relics that could destroy the world, things like that.

- Force Ghosts can't actually physically touch people. A few can exert force powers, or change the entire environment (usually their burial site) around them, but again, it depends on who it was when they were alive. The most dangerous force ghosts come from the Sith, hence why many are buried in super-secure tombs, never to be opened.
- There's no such thing as switching lightsabers remotely. Can't be done. Telepathic connections are also limited, and cannot be done remotely on the level that's seen in TLJ or TROS. Force users can sense each other, but nothing clearer than a sense of who it is, if they knew the person already.


Thx for the info.
It's been a while since I played KOTOR 1 and 2.
Agree that the lore is fascinating. To bad Disney decanonized most of it.
I always liked that at first the sith were a race for example.
Never played the force unleashed titles, but I know starkiller was able to do some impressive things.
Also the old republic game. I don't know what happened to revan in the end and I hope to finish the game one day.


Disney can go de-canonize themselves.


I forgot to mention a few extra things Force-Sensitives can do with the Force.

- for brief moments, they can move really fast (as we saw in TPM with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon darting through the hallway
- some users can project an image of themselves, but it's usually short-distance only
- if done properly, a very powerful user can actually absorb Force Lightning, but it's very difficult to do
- there were really ancient Force techniques that could be used to mess with people's minds at a distance, or even control them like puppets, and to counter that, there were also techniques designed to shield one's mind from Force influence. That's what the phrase "guard your feelings" was all about. Shielding one's mind prevented other force-users from reading them or getting any clues about their thoughts/secrets.
- like we saw in the movies, books, and tv, the Force could be used to manipulate "weak-minded" people. It should be noted that this technique does not work on strong-willed people, and it's a bit of a gamble, because more intelligent people will notice the manipulation going on just from watching the user at work. That, and people who do get manipulated suffer from a headache after the influence wears off.
- not surprisingly, as we saw with Watto, some alien races have a natural resistance to the Force
- at one time, there were many Sith, and they actually had healers among them, but healing with the Dark Side of the Force has a price: they usually would heal someone by draining the life force out of others, and sometimes it caused collateral damage, such as killing nearby people off while healing the injured/sick person.

There are two things that SWTOR established that a lot of people don't know about regarding the Force. For one thing, the amount of Force power within the Force-Sensitive population can vary. Not everyone is powerful in the Force. It ranges from a person that is only slightly sensitive, and maybe can do a few minor things, to people who are average, to people who are super-powerful. The trouble with the movies is, the stories focus only on people who are strong in the Force, and it's not made clear that such people are not common among those who are Force-Sensitive. In fact, it was not unusual for the Jedi and Sith Academies to take in just about anyone who was Force-Sensitive, only for not everyone to make it as a Jedi or Sith.

Among the Jedi, minor force-sensitives usually ended up doing simple jobs around the Academy, or working in more normal jobs, such as bookkeeping, maintaining machines, flying shuttles, cooking, sewing, crafting equipment, tinkering, etc. The Sith Academy wasn't so forgiving. Anyone who couldn't handle the brutal training they put their new recruits through ended up getting killed before ever being assigned to a master.

One other thing they don't mention in the movies, but in many companion books, is that the amount of Force Sensitivity in an individual is fixed. You can't increase or decrease it. If you are a minor one, that's your lot in life. If you're super-powerful, you've gotta find a way to control it. Many Sith have attempted to change that situation, usually in their lust for power, but often it ended badly for them, one way or another.


Leave it to Jar Jar Abrams to screw things up by his childish way of equating bigger as better. First there was a Death Star, so he’s got to make a Death Planet. Then it was a Death Planet, so he’s got to make a thousand star destroyers with Death Star lasers. Now he takes it to Jedi powers to where killing them they can just come back as ghosts and interact in the physical world, or have other god-like superhero powers.


Yeah, he and the other poops over at the Star Wars branch of Walt Disney Studios don't know jack shit about the lore involved with the Force, and they very lazily equate it to "magic." That, and JJ isn't as creative as he pretends to be. He has a habit of taking something we've all seen before, and dressing it up to make it look different, but nobody's really fooled by the wrapping he puts on his "creations."


"nobody's really fooled by the wrapping he puts on his "creations.""

Looks like they still are, to me.


The force heal ability was bought about by Rey and Kylo being a dyad in the force.
This is why we see the emperors hand heal when he zapped them both and it was why only Rey and Kylo can force heal.


That is a JJ interpretation, not something that could have actually happened with the Force. There is also no such thing as the word "dyad."

However, among the Sith, it would surprise you to know that they had healers as well, but their version of Force healing was done in a way that would drain life from others in order to heal the intended person. So I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility for Emperor Palpatine to know that form of Force Healing, considering what kind of access he had to ancient Sith knowledge during the 20-some years he ruled.
