MovieChat Forums > Horror > Peter Weller in Screamers (1996)

Peter Weller in Screamers (1996)

I just wanted to say, I really like the Peter Weller speech in Screamers where he yells "We are BETRAYED here, brother! We are BEACHED! This whole $%^&?$#@! place is a lie!" Etc etc etc.

It's here, especially from about 25:42 to 26:44. It's worth watching the part of the movie up to this scene, to get a better sense of what is going on, but remember that it's hard to follow... it's just a complicated story.

The background is really complicated, with factions fighting for control of different military entities, and disinformation being handed out, and robotic weapons that can modify and reprogram themselves... but anyway, I think of Peter Weller's speech sometimes when I'm watching the news, etc. Just the way he tries to get his buddy to wake up and smell the coffee... who in the name of God knows what is really happening out there in the world, beyond all the BS on the internet, and on TV?!?! Not me.

For Grave Encounters... I'm Lance Preston.



Found Footage Movies I Have Seen:



I even liked the sequel, thought it was even bloodier than the first.

"Anybody who doesn't wanna hang, step out and get shot!"


Yeah I was surprised that the sequel was good, thought I was gonna hate it.

Found Footage Movies I Have Seen:


Weller gets some great lines in the film: "Jefferson do you have a dimmer switch?"


 "Jefferson, RELENT."

I also liked Roy Dupuis, who played Becker. He made a really good bad guy, he just conveyed the sense that he did not give a bleep at ALL.

For Grave Encounters... I'm Lance Preston.


Roy Dupuis is a very famous actor in Quebec. I must have seen about 10 movies with him in a leading role.

CG gore is the worst thing that has ever happened to the horror genre.


bump, sorry. Anyone have any thoughts about the Peter Weller tirade, at 25:42??

For Grave Encounters... I'm Lance Preston.


He's quite fun in it. The movie is, too.

Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?
