MovieChat Forums > TV General > Commercials: MyPillow

Commercials: MyPillow

I'm assuming that most of us have seen the MyPillow commercial. I've seen it, oh about a million times, so I finally decided hey maybe I want a couple of those. They have a 2-for-1 deal, you know, you just enter the TV promo code. So, I go to the MyPillow website, click on the two-for-one deal: "$99.97 with promo code", it says. Without s/h.


Whenever the time may come that I need to spend over $50 for a pillow (or if the 2-for-1 deal is no longer offered, over $100!) later, when I lay my head down for a good night's sleep that pillow had better release crack plus morphine aromatically, while producing a hologram floating above my bed of naked you-name-her performing an illegal primal dance just for me.


I've seen the commercials and it does not look very comfortable to me. And the reviews seem pretty negative.

Pillows are one of the things I will not buy off line. I need to be able to touch it as I am very picky about my pillows.


Also, there are lots of pillows from which to choose at lots of places one mile from where we live. I assume safely that almost all of us can survive well with anything which supports our head comfortably. Many of us need no pillow, nor folded blankie, nor puppy, nor more than a flattish stone under our heads to get a decent night's sleep. So, I'm gonna give a guy $50 for a pillow? I'd rather wake up and get a steak breakfast with that money and leave a nice tip.


Just curious- how much WOULD you pay for a pillow? I have never spent less than 50$ on one unless it's for camping or something like that. Usually around $75 for a pillow if not on sale. Just curious.

I did stop by one of those My Pillow kiosks at the mall and the pillow felt very lumpy to me....I guess I'd have to try it for a few nights to see.

**~Not my circus, not my monkeys...~**


What kind of pillows cost $75? That's insanity. Do you have physical problems?

I've heard people say they didn't care for the feel of MyPillow and even the noise they apparently make. I thought they'd be like $10 plus s/h. A $50 pillow is news to me.


lol- no physical problems. I have always bought them from JCPenney-

They last for years.

**~Not my circus, not my monkeys...~**


I had no idea pillows can be that expensive.


I've never paid more than $10 for a pillow, and they all feel pretty comfy to me.

I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!



Yeah, me too. I think the thing with me is once I've seen a commercial a million plus times I start to wonder if I buy the damn thing maybe the commercial will go away.
