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Getting tired of waiting for.....

To show how big of a fan I was, 2 years ago, I took a vowel of complete silence, until the sequel hit theaters. What movie?

A quiet place 2

I am an ultra mega couch potato when it comes to movies and tv shows. I watch so much that it's hard for me to find something that's actually good or even just worth watching that I haven't seen before.
When I first saw A Quiet Place, I was an instant super fan. At that time,for me It was extremely refreshing to see an original movie come out finally. It's 2020, I feel as though nearly every movie or TV series should be at least a 7 on a 1 to 10scale, yet they aren't, no t even close. They're to busy trying to make another tv show about police or copy every other show that's out or recently came out. It's so annoying , please Hollywood, writers, actors, producers, directors etc... try and be original.
Now we're dealing with this pandemic or whatever you would like to call it. Messing everything up. Theaters closed, release dates pushed back, nobody is shooting new films, nobody even seems to be talking about when they will start .
This is why I'm badmouthing hollywood right now. I suggest everyone should do the same, complain, bitch and moan. Threaten to stop watching movies and tv all together. enough people do this and I bet they'll start moving a little quicker to get back to
(show) business.

Anyway please reply your top 5 movies and tv shows , so I can try to find something to watch .
Thanks fellow potatoes.
