MovieChat Forums > Games: Other Games > Goodbye...I guess? Getting a little emot...

Goodbye...I guess? Getting a little emotional......

Oh my gosh...I just got back home from the SuperBowl and saw this....

I'm not sure how I feel, but definitely very sad because of all the close friendships and the fact that some will definitely be gone forever =[

I see a million threads but just wanted to say, I hope regardless of my interaction with you, you take away something positive. I'm not proud of lying, manipulation or anything else I've done in games. I'm too competitive for my own good, though it's no excuse.The games don't matter, the interactions I've had do. It was truly a joy for me to learn about different ways of life, beliefs, cultures, and all of you as people. That's what I'll miss and all of the good memories; and those of you I consider to be dear friends.

I truly wish you all the best with your lives and as you move forward on new adventures. This place gave us what we needed at times and for that we should all be grateful.

Stay in touch! Most of you should have my email and Skype...



Melanie you went to the Super Bowl?


Yup, a friend of the family had extra tickets.


And you didn't stop by? GURL you know I live in Houston :P Kidding. I hope you had fun though. I hear hotel prices were ridiculous though oops sorry


I know! I'm sorry!

Yeah, our hotel was like an hour away, everything was booked. 


We will always have Veruca Salt!


Please come to the new board Mel. Love you


Mel omg way to make a tear come to my eye this morning. When I think back on our journey I can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. We came so far and developped something real that I will remember forever. You'll always be my Miel xoxo.

PM me your email address so we can shoot an email here and there to catch up.

👜 #briapurseclub 👜


Mel!!! 

The greatest villain in IMDB history!!!

You can get a look at a good T-Bone Steak by sticking your head up a bull's ass.
