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What is the best Chronological order to watch all the spiderman movies till 2023

Since there are so much spiderman movies
I was wondering if there is someone who can tell me the best way to watch all spiderman movies in Chronological order.
(So even te spider verse movies and venom movies.) From 2002 \2023
I want to watch it this way to best understand the whole spider story

I hope someone can help me


You should watch all of them in the order they were made. Of course, that's a lot simpler for the first 5 films and the 2 Spider-Verse films because they were all part of their own completely independent movie franchises. It's a lot more complicated for the newer ones with Tom Holland since every live-action Spider-Man movie since 2017 is part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Tom Holland version of Spider-Man appears in some of the non-Spider-Man movies in the MCU and the actual Spider-Man movies from that franchise reference things that happened in those other movies. So you would have to also see those other movies to best understand the 3 newest live-action Spider-Man movies. The Venom movies with Tom Hardy don't have Spider-Man in them and don't have any connection to any of the Spider-Man movies.


Thanks for youre reply
Today im gonna start watching them
Got all the spidermans incl venoms deadpools and will watch them in the right order
It shure is a lot but as a spidey fan i cant wait
Thank you for youre helpfull answer
Sorry for the english im dutch😀
Have a nice weekend


Watch the first 3 Sam Raimi films from the early 2000s and then quit. You'll be doing yourself a favor.
